A Decade: Rethinking the Meaning of Life

Even from a very young age, Christopher Krenisky knew that there were serious problems in the world. His inability to voice his concerns about the issues quickly led him to suspect that he had been programmed like millions of others to accept life as it was. But he wasn’t about to accept that.
He began expressing himself in poetry as a way of making sense of the world and now with his book, A Decade: Rethinking the Meaning of Life, he brings some of his own thoughts and ideas to a wider audience than ever before.
A decade old and deeply rooted in the struggles of life that we all face, of profound thinking and of the destiny we all share, this collection of meaningful life poems, personal experiences and adventure have all the makings of a book designed to make us think far beyond the limits of our front door.
From the thought provoking 91 North to Somewhere, to the futuristic and frightening ideas in Party Liners, each poem serves the reader with a moment to reflect and make some sense of a world that has somehow gone wrong and mad all at the same time.
Take With You What You May: Fairytales and Happy Endings Are Nonexistent

Take yourself on whatever path you choose …
Poetry is best when it works on multiple levels, allowing each reader the chance to interpret the verse in any way they see fit. One may read something into a particular poem that another may never see, while others can find hidden meanings and endings that were subtle or never meant.
In this collection of 13 poems, Take With You What You May: Fairytales and Happy Endings Are Nonexistent, most of them concentrating on a fantasy/fairytale theme, you will be able to tread your own path and find what meaning you may. But don’t expect many happy endings.
From My New Best Friend to The Poisoned Apple, each stands alone but also contributes to the whole, augmented with a line drawing to increase the opportunity to see something different that perhaps lurks between the lines, hidden and unseen.
Dip in and out at your pleasure, pick it up and read when you feel the need for inspired thought or a moment of contemplative reflection, and always take from it what you can.
Just don’t expect a happy ending…