Tag Archives: Technology

A Love Story About A Case

How does one define art? Is art something that is merely hung or placed in a gallery, museum or home? Or can art be used for other things like content creation, gaming, leisure and connecting people around the globe? If your answer to that last question is a deafening, “No,” I bet you have never experienced or seen a computer chassis designed and developed by In Win Development, Inc. Founded in 1986 and headquartered in Taoyuan Taiwan, In Win makes some of the most visually striking and beautifully different computer chassis in the industry; revolutionizing the concept of what a computer case is and should be.

…when I first laid eyes on the In Win D-Frame. I knew I had to have it.

The year is 2014; I have been working for a small repair shop for a little over a year and recently hired on a few PC enthusiasts that sparked my interest in the PC world, which I had spent over a decade on hiatus. As some who grew up on PC games, it’s kind of strange that I forgot about them. Perhaps it’s thanks to the PS1 or traveling playing AAU baseball or maybe laptops seemed to gain in their popularity. Whatever the case may be, that all changed when I first laid eyes on the In Win D-Frame. I knew I had to have it. Something about the case was so mesmerizing, I remember thinking, there isn’t one bad looking angle; and the colors, orange and blue, were simply stunning to look at.

I could picture myself standing in an art gallery admiring the lines, bends and elegant construction of the vibrant orange beauty, accented by blue. Then reality sunk in when I looked at the price tag. I could be wrong, but I am sure the price was somewhere between $400-$600USD, which is a lot of money by most people’s standards for almost anything. I settled on another beautiful In Win chassis, the 901, with the silver brushed aluminum for my first ever PC build; not a bad compromise.

Fast-forward to September 2018 and over the past four years, I have built about 12 PC’s, using a wide range of cases including an In Win 805 and a 303 for my dad and a friend. But I wanted to build a new and more power PC, since I would need one sooner rather than later since starting Sheeply Publishing. It was a random weekday and thought I would do a quick search to see if In Win had or planned to release any new cases. Of the signature and numbered cases available, they were way too expensive, or I wasn’t passionate about building my next computer in it. So, for kicks, I typed ‘In Win D-Frame’ into the search bar expecting to see the usual D-Frame mini-reviews and/or videos, but to my surprise and utter amazement, I saw an Amazon link with a picture of the actual D-Frame I have wanted for the past four years.

It wasn’t a dream or a Chinese knock-off; it was the real deal all right! The price was still not for the faint of heart at $399.99, but I knew in my gut I couldn’t pass up this opportunity to get this case the second time around. The original D-Frame chassis were limited to 500 of each of the two color runs available. The rerelease still offered the two OG colors and added 4 new color combos to the mix. This was a dream come true. It’s like In Win rereleased this case specifically for me. They knew just how bad I wanted to build my ultimate PC in this chassis and they made it happen.

Things always work out for me and this was no exception. I’m glad I didn’t pull the trigger back in 2014 because looking back, I wouldn’t have been able to do a build in the case I could be satisfied with. After getting my hands dirty building several PC’s and as time has produced better components such as fans with better cable management capabilities, thanks to In Win, I produced a build I think does this case justice. A work of art inside another work of art; as a whole, a masterpiece. Sure, there are things I could do better and will do better once I develop the skill set, like to-length wiring and sleeving for ALL wires in the build for immaculate cable management, but that will come in time.

I love the simplicity and elegance of the design; it’s understated, yet masterful craftsmanship. Like all In Win products, they are beautifully crafted works art, sometimes choosing form over function, but they always seem to work.

For now, I can be proud of this build. I can sit there and stare at it for hours. It is often said that it isn’t wise to meet your heroes, but this case lives up to the hype. I love the simplicity and elegance of the design; it’s understated, yet masterful craftsmanship. Like all In Win products, they are beautifully crafted works art, sometimes choosing form over function, but they always seem to work. The love child of a methodical engineer and an ambitious architect, this case is something to truly behold. Perhaps what I admire most about this case isn’t the case, but the visionaries at In Win and their forward thinking that has revolutionized and pioneered a new era in PC building, from beginner to professional, art can finally be used and appreciated by all.

Technology: A Skeptic’s Take

Ah yes, the digital age. What a great time to be alive in history. We are connected to everyone and no one in a matter of seconds. How did humanity ever manage before we had things like computers and cell phones? My poem, Wiretap Mentality, in my book, A Decade: Rethinking the Meaning of Life, has a lot of relevance with the world in which we live today.  I might be labeled a cynic, but as I have stated in various articles and videos, nothing is wrong with being a little skeptical. People should be more skeptical about most things in their daily lives. But, as I said in my poem, we have been actively conditioned not to question even the very obvious things that confront us. And the award for best-supporting actor goes to… you guessed it, technology. 

Now technology isn’t a bad
thing. But who controls the tech we use? What else can the tech
be used for? Are there consequences or long-term ramifications for certain technology?
These are reasonable questions we should be asking ourselves. Then why is it we
don’t ask them? Again, we’ve been conditioned and sold a dream of some modern
comforts and conveniences, but at what cost?

Like most things in this reality,
we’ve been sold a web of lies, or maybe more accurately, webs of deception. I
could debate the idea that modern technology
has been a saving grace for the advancement of society, but for the sake of argument in this article, let’s make an
ass out of you and me and assume that technology is mankind’s greatest
achievement. After all, technology allows for longer life spans, instant
communication with one another, less deadly disease around the world, faster
travel and access to a variety of foods
and other products, etc. Wow, life is great, isn’t it? Well, I personally
wouldn’t jump to that conclusion so quickly, but you are a free-thinking being, you can think whatever you
like. From my observations, herein lies the web of illusions.

If you want to know why I am skeptical of most if not ALL these technological advancements, consider this: We are constantly being told that government is our friend and here to protect us. As the saying goes, if you constantly repeat a lie, you start to believe it as being the truth. If you think I’m off my rocker, please read R.J. Rummel’s book, Death by Government. I’m sure it will change your mind on your loving and benevolent overlords, the same overlords that seem to have their hands in the very technology we use in our everyday lives. You know, the alphabet soup agencies protecting us against the bad guys. But who are the bad guys? According to whom, the government?

There is a great quote from Benjamin Franklin in which he states, “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” There seems to be an epidemic, at least here in the United States, where most of the population would gladly give up their rights as sovereign and infinite beings to other human beings they believe have some magical authority over them. You know them as politicians and law-enforcement. Politicians tell people what to do by enacting laws and dictating principles and morality with cleverly designed double-speak and their order following enforcing hand, police officers, harass innocent people by kidnapping them and throwing them in cages, with no means to defend themselves against this injustice, no matter how ridiculous the “law” is which was supposedly infringed.

In one of my previous
articles, I talked about how we can cast spells with words, both written and
orally, and how TV, cell phone and computer
screens put us in a suggestible and programmable state. However, one could
postulate we are being affected in
various ways due to the tech we use. I love having my thoughts and emotions
spoon-fed to me through a subtly-flickering
LED screen with healthy blue light searing my eyes like tuna steaks, don’t you?
 To be clear, I don’t have a problem with technology, I have a problem when that technology begins to control us or we
let technology mold our thinking. To some,
this may sound like some outrageous conspiracy
theory, but for those that have seen or read some of my work and are willing to
think outside the box, this makes sense.

Going back to the Ben
Franklin quote, let’s consider what personal freedoms we have given up for
technology. The sad part is most people
don’t seem to care. This is very concerning and
perhaps more frustrating than anything. In the United States, our food and
water are poisoned with more chemicals than
ever, NSAIDs or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs turn people into opioid addicts,
vaccines with toxic preservatives are ruining people’s lives. People might live
longer but on how many meds? And how is the quality of this longer life being quantified;
has it really turned into quantity over
quality?  We are under constant
surveillance by big brother, we have shorter attention spans, worse memory, are
overweight, lazy and even more sickly than before. I don’t know about you, but
I would rather die old fast than die young slow.

When is the last time you conversed
with someone on the street or say hi to anyone walking in the park? How about
an elevator? You probably haven’t because people are face deep in their cell phones or conveniently have their headphones
on. I’ve heard some people can’t even go to
the bathroom these days without their cell phone.

How about the right to free speech? Those in search of some truth and common ground in the world are familiar with the censorship going on around the internet with the likes of some big players such as Facebook and Google.  And to keep this post relatively short I will not get into other various topics, such as IOT (Internet of Things) and the 5G smart grid. If you would like more information on these topics, I suggest checking out Max Igan’s work at thecrowhouse.com. The point is we have convinced ourselves that technology has improved our lives for the better, maybe to a degree, but not to the level we perceive. Cognitive dissonance is a beautiful thing and how the lowest common denominator of society continues to subtly guide its flock. 

I am not trying to discourage anyone, just trying to get people thinking. We all have different points of view and opinions and have every right as free beings to speak our minds. Just because our opinions may differ doesn’t give us the right to inflict harm or command our will over another individual or coerce them into doing something they don’t want to do or think. If we put down the cell phones and turned off the TV and actually interacted with one another on a more personal level, we’d find we have a lot more in common with one another than we have been led to believe. Stop playing into the political charade of divide and conqueror tactics and learn to love one another because we ALL have our faults but are here to experience this life together. Let’s stop the petty nonsense and be grateful we get this opportunity to be alive during this time in history. It’s time we start making the most of it. I think that is something we can all agree on.